sparaig wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>>>> Aum is contained within AAAAhhhhggggnnniiiimmmm,
>>> The first mention of 'AUM' is in the Upanishads,
>>> in the Mandukhya, which Gaudapapda commented on.
>>>>> The first word of the Rig Veda.
>>>>> Eeemm is the feminine aspect of Om...
>>>>> Om stimulates the third eye.
>>>>> EEMM stimilates behind the third eye...
>>> 'Aum" is not a Vedic mantra and is not found mentioned
>>> in the Rig Veda, which was composed long before the
>>> invention of the alphabet.
>>>> Thought you might find it interesting that when I 
>>>> asked MMY once about the hare krishna mantra his 
>>>> reply was, "hare krishna is not a mantra, its a 
>>>> song.  Like when you go to a party, you sing a 
>>>> song".
>>> A song that contains the TM bija mantra - Ram. Lots
>>> of Indian songs contain bija mantras, but very few
>>> Indian songs contain 'AUM' or 'OM', which is not
>>> a bija mantra - 'OM' is a symbol, not a sound. 
>>> If Patanjali had intended us to chant 'OM" he would
>>> have said so, would he not?
>> Richard, you are a panderer of ignorance.   You make all this shit up.  
>> Om is centering.  It is an important element for many mantras.  I've 
>> spent over 8 years with an Indian tantric and have been over this issue 
>> time and time again.  Not only that but every Indian I've spoken to on 
>> the subject has said the same thing.  I guess you just like to look like 
>> a fool on the Internet.  But then everyone here knows you're a fool and 
>> a jackass and you don't know shit about mantra shastra.   An American 
>> Indian would give you the name "man who shits from mouth".  :D :D :D :D :D
> Of course, Gurudev seems to have beleived something close to what MMY did, 
> and of course, MMY always acknowledged that his interpretation was
> radically different than the mainstream tradition, so I'm not sure why
> you're so upset...
> Lawson
Why are you trying to paint me as upset?  I was just correcting the 
nonsense that Willy was posting..... as he always does apparently 
thinking he is going to impress newbies (which would be sad if they 
believe his pied piping).

So "Guru Dev" was wrong too as well as MMY?  Possible.  After all they 
were just people.

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