AUM consists of the Akara, Ukara, and Makara. The Trinity.

Simply explained in this link:

Jaya Guru Datta

--- In, "Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "Richard J. Williams" 
> <willytex@> wrote:
> >
> > BillyG wrote:
> > > He talking about the Pranava OM!
> > > 
> > Maybe so, Billy, but you won't find any 'OM' word 
> > at the beginning of the most famous mantra in India:
> > 
> >     "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
> > 
> >     Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
> > 
> >     Hare Rama Hare Rama
> > 
> >     Rama Rama Hare Hare"
> > 
> >
> This is a mantra devoted to Lord Krishna, an individuation of 
> Vishnu...
> Om is used in the Shiva mantra.
> Om is like the beginning and end...
> Aum is contained within AAAAhhhhggggnnniiiimmmm,
> The first word of the Rig Veda.
> Eeemm is the feminine aspect of Om...
> Om stimulates the third eye.
> EEMM stimilates behind the third eye...

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