Junior wrote: 
> FWIW: ...praNava oMkaaraH... (Bhoja-vRtti I 27)
> (...iti shrii bhojadevaviracitaayaaM paataƱjalayogashaastra-
> suutravRttau prathamaH samaadhipaadaH...) :0
FYI: King Bhoja lived in 1100 A.D., after the
invention of the 'OM' and the rise of the
tantric sects. Patanjali lived in 200 B.C.
Patanjali didn't mention any 'OM' chanting.

In fact, Patanjali doesn't seem to mention
anything about any mantras or bija mantras
at all in the Yoga Sutras. Apparently, the
'OM' chanting came after Patanjali, as did
the composition of most of the tantras. So,
'OM' as a symbol came during the Gupta era,
during the age of the alchemists and the

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