--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since MMY says Krishna is Brahm, he is talking about the formless
> Krishna or *Krishna Consciousness* or MMY's God Consciousness.  
> the Krishna is the same as Jesus the Christ or Christos (Annointed
> one) both had the same consciousness as Krishna and Christ in these
> contexts represent the *formless* quality of the Unified Field, 
> can take any form).

According to the Shrimad Bhagavatam, Krishna is equivalent to or is 
an incarnation of Vishnu.  Brahma was a demigod and was created from 
the belly of Vishnu while floating in the causal ocean.

> Jesus was a man from Nazareth who achieved his enlightenment from 
>  Diksha given to him by John the Baptist who fully awakened his
> kunkalini achieving Shiva/Shakti or the state of the Christos (the
> annointed one).

According to most Christian theologeans, Jesus was already 
enlightened without human assistance.  He humbled himself to John the 
Baptist in order to fulfill the prediction from the Old Testament.

> Though Jesus was a illumined Master in a previous life and 
> as an avatara,  every new body must re-awaken it's spiritual powers
> (kundalini) with each new incarnation, which Jesus accomplished with
> ease......(the dove above Jesus at his baptism is representative of
> the two rayed (two wings) Ajna chakra which descended upon Jesus....

The writers of the Gospels were Jewish by tradition.  So, its hard to 
compare the symbolism of the dove to anyone of the chakras.  
Traditionally, Christians interpreted the dove to mean the Holy 

IMO, MMY's model of the Rishi-Devata-Chandas would be closer to 
capturing the meaning of the dove in the New Testament.

> Yadava the Krishna was also an historic figure and an avatara 
> to Jesus. As such, God takes on the forms of his previous saints and
> hence you have what are called avataras.
> When Christ Jesus said, "Me and my Father are one" he was saying 
> the Brahm or immanent dynamism of creation (the personal God
> consciousness) and Brahman, the Absolute beyond creation were ONE, 
> Unified! What MMY calls dynamism and silence. IMHO.

It appears that Christ is trying to say that through him, the 
absolute and the relative have become one.

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