--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Somehow I don't think that a person who kills a young woman in the 
> depths of the water off of Martha's Vineyard should, out of good 
> conscience, let himself be put forth as a candidate for public office 
> for the rest of his life.  Be a little humble.  Stay the fuck out of 
> the spotlight.  Get on with your life in as much obscurity and silence 
> as you can.  You know, like Charles Van Doren did after he was caught 
> cheating on "21".
> That Ted Kennedy has put himself forward for 40 years and that he 
> continues to be elected is a reflection on the people of MA.
> Shame on them.
> The love fest for dear little Teddy being vomited out of my TV as the 
> coverage for the Democratic Convention continues is my fault for not 
> changing the channel.

What happens after the democrats completely soak the rich, will there
be any rich left? And what 'dream' is Teddy talking about, a
congressional pay hike? 

In California the Dems pandered so much to the Hispanic vote that
white people can barely get elected anymore, is this what is going to
happen to America? Tacos for everybody......the Dems slogan, how can
ya turn that down!

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