--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't feel sorry for her in the least. She is trying to con the
> American people into thinking she is capable of representing them.
> It's arrogant in the extreme. It never occurs to her that her own
> ignorance disqualifies her.

Actually it's McCain and his people who are
trying to con us. They conned *her* into
thinking she was qualified, and she believed
them. She's no more arrogant than any other
politician; she just didn't have enough
exposure to  national politics to realize
what she was getting into. 

I'm with Peter; I feel sorry for her. She got
in way, way over her head, or rather McCain
threw her in way over her head for what he
thought would be his own political advantage.
And it was, to start with. Now it's turning
into a disaster.

> The best thing about the interview with Katie Couric is Katie's face
> as Palin talks her nonsense. It's as if she can barely believe the
> stupidity of the woman. Best comment today was from Bob Herbert in 
> New York Times, who said the interview, especially one portion of it
> he quoted, was like a Monty Python sketch. Palin is making a fool of
> herself but she doesn't realize it. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <drpetersutphen@> wrote:
> >
> > Palin reminds me of some of my community college students. She's 
> used to thinking in a logical sequence and linking concepts 
> She also isn't used to explaining ideas beyond a mere label or a
> buzz-word marker. This doesn't mean that she doesn't have ideas, its
> just that she is not used to articulating them. Add this to
> performance anxiety plus attempting to integrate talking points and
> you have the PR disaster that she is. Forgetting about politics, it 
> pretty sad that any party would elevate such a limited thinker to 
> a position. She obviously was not vetted. I'd love to be a fly on 
> wall with some of McCain's top people trying to figure out what to 
> with her. I actually feel sorry for her. She is so out of her 

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