YouTube "Despite the NYT's "whitewash,"
Sarah Palin Hits Obama on Bill Ayers Relationship" By SusanUnPC

Remember this? Do you remember Barack's snide line about Hillary Clinton?

"Who does she think she is? Annie Oakley?"

Well, Barack. Here's another tough woman comin' at you. This Annie
Oakley is sharp too, and she's taken aim at your long, close
relationship with terrorist William Ayers that you've tried to conceal
because, among many terrorist acts, he helped bomb the Pentagon.
Sarah's job has become more difficult since the New York Times abetted
your concealment with what Stanley Kurtz calls its "irresponsible
journalism" in today's "whitewash" story. (Kurtz also refers to the
exceptional research by Steve Diamond whose investigative stories are
published here regularly.)

Of course, at No Quarter, our readers already KNOW a great deal about
Barack Obama's extensive ties to Bill Ayers. Read more

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