--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Can you name them?  If so, did they give him the kind of "What is the 
> speed velocity of a hummingbird's wings" questions that Palin got?
> Anytime Obama is confronted with off-the-cuff questions he hems and 
> haws and stumbles and mumbles TEN TIMES worse than anything Palin has 
> done.
> But everyone in the media treats him with kid gloves.
> What a big, fat, fucking baby.  Wah-wah-wah.

Palin's winking was quite entertaining during her debate with
Biden, but I'd rather not have a woman, who's said e.g. to believe
tha world is less than 10 k year old, to have the right to
decide whether to press THE BUTTON, on not <wink wink> . ;D

That's quite likely gonna be the case, sooner or later, if McCain gets

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