Though it would nary raise an  eyebrow in other parts of the world 
you've probably read that Joe Scarborough got in trouble for dropping 
the "F-bomb" on his show:

On November 1st a local radio host, Karel, on KGO dropped the "F-bomb" 
three times by accident on a news break when he thought his mic was 
off.   He does his show remote from Los Angeles in a room where he lives 
and the board operator had taken a potty break but forgot to turn off 
the remote feed.  ABC News (which has annoying news readers IMO) had a 
story about Joe the Plumber  and Karel, like me, was getting tired of 
hearing about Joe and let off the expletives which went out over the 
air.  Karel and the board operator were fired yesterday.  Joe 
Scarborough keeps his gig but MSNBC has put a 7 second delay on him.  
Let's see Scarborough is conservative and Karel, who is openly gay, 
liberal, and very popular in his time slot gets fired.

KGO's Gene Burns during his 7 PM show last night had Karel on briefly so 
he could say goodbye to his audience.  Karel mentioned he has gotten 
more flack from the left than the right over this.  Ariana Huffington 
has dropped his blog articles.  On the ba.broadcast newsgroup which is 
populated by many local broadcast people (engineers, hosts and 
producers) I started a topic on Scarborough's F-bomb compared with 
Karel's (Scarborough is on a cable not broadcast network and is not 
under FCC regulation).  I thought I was going to get trashed for 
mentioning how backward America is when it comes to this stuff but 
instead I got a lot of agreement.  Even Gene Burns on his show last 
night was of the opinion that American needs to "grow up."

One point being brought up is that Kevin Martin the young current 
chairman of the FCC wants to expand their influence to the Internet and 
cable.  Let's lobby Obama to fire this brat's ass.

KGO's press release:

Karel's web site.  Karel DID mention he has already gotten offers from 
other stations including ones in the Bay Area.  I would suspect KKGN 
which is the local Air America Radio outlet and maybe the NovaM network 
who picked up Randi Rhodes after AAR fired her for blasting Hillary at a 
weekend show (not radio) in San Francisco.

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