From: joerg dao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 8:41 AM
Subject: Solid Proof of Re-Imcarnation.


Hi Rick,

I read some of the discussion about the Solid Proof.

Since I had some of these clear experiences, about who I was
in former time, and even read some of the biographies about "me", 
I can tell you, that no mount of speculation and theoryrizing
will ever clear that subject to someone, who never had these

Like it says: Consciousness only knows itself.
But cannot put these insights into other doubting minds.

The insights into these connections come very easy and silent,
as a clear understanding. Its like expanding your understanding
about any other subject of interest.
Sometimes during the day, sometimes during meditation.
And also duing intense EmC-sessions.

Normally there is no discussion with those who never had these
insights. It`s in the Vedas.
Don`t confuse people with your understanding and insights.

That`s why the real insights are still secret.

But there are some patterns.
Like: grandparents come back as your children.
And very troubled relationships have very clear
origins in much former times.




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