--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> Second weed article in a week Judy...is the Garden State living up 
> its name? ( Disclaimer: this is a joke and in no way implies any
> illegal activity on anyone's part including but not limited to the
> owner of the Chinese tomb where a stash of "kind bud" was found 
> it might have fallen out of one of the pockets of the low slung 
> jeans of one of the Chinese workman who originally built the tomb.)
> I just read again that weed is our number one cash crop and may be 
> high as 65 billion dollars a year.
> And our government is soooo committed to the Sisyphean effort of
> eradicating a weed that can grow anywhere (but for the record 
there is
> none growing in my closet) that it is willing to burn our tax 
> like Autumn leaves to fill our jails with non-violent offenders,
> breaking up families which compounds the damage to society and
> eventually the cost, and losing tax revenues as well as ignorantly
> lumping in hemp plants whose value to our economy and as a source 
> energy could also be in the billions...
> and for what?
> To keep people from listening to the Dark Side of the Moon in the
> state it was meant to be heard?  To avoid an artificially inflated
> market for Ding-Dongs, Twinkies and Lil Debbie products?  To avoid 
> terrible fate of some stoner giggling too much at the drivel I
> contribute here?
> Mr. Obama, in your first term please stop the war in Iraq.  Then 
> Congress to look into how we can legalize weed.  You are gunna need
> all the money we will save on law enforcement for all the other 
> we want you to do.  Like utilizing hemp for more than making small
> woven purses with the colors of the African flag on them for us to
> keep our weed in.  (I meant for OTHER people to keep THEIR weed 
in. No
> need to tear my house apart just to find a bunch of...uh...you 
> tomato plants.)
i was with you all the way bro, until you mentioned Lil Debbies as 
equivalent to the Hostess products. sorry, but lil debbies are not 
only a lil creepy with that lil girls face from the fifties on em, 
but a decidedly inferior product to the veritable ambrosia of the 
hostess products, particularly the venerable -Twinkie-, with its 
luscious "creme" filling.

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