--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
<no_re...@...> wrote:
> i am talking about realizing the full benefit of the technique, 
> including overcoming false views, such as yours. unfortunately there 
> are many techniques, including your own that never result in full 
> benefit- boo hoo. 
> you know what i am talking about, or you wouldn't be here 
> denegrating TM. you are not some guardian angel for the lost, jive. 
> you just have an axe to grind due to your lack of inner fulfillment. 
> i see it, as does everyone else here.

Well, after 20 years of day in and day out practice maybe you will
have convinced yourself that it works. I know people well who have
done TM for more than 30 years religiously and they are convinced it
works too.  But I look at them, listen to them, know them, and I am
not so convinced.  At the very least, I am convinced that it isn't one
size fits all.  Some of my long term meditator friends profess
happiness, so OK, I won't mess with that.  Some are not so happy. 
Only one is successful economically or with their marriages.  None are
terribly healthy for their age--all mid to late 50s. One has cancer
that will end his life.  

You must know that people are here for varied reasons, yes? Do you
believe that TM is good for everyone? 

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