Ruth wrote:
> Tell me about how TM has helped you.
Well, I don't have my 'serotonin meter' 
hooked up right now, so I can't answer 
your question accurately - I can tell 
you that I awoke from the long rest 
after having performed the 'Night Tech'. 
And after the first round this morning 
I think I'm a changed man. Many cares, 
much lack of confidence had been washed 
away. I am, despite all the stuff flying 
off my desk, feeling more and more 
inwardly peaceful and my body posture 
is more stable and solid than yesterday. 
It's not a bad feeling at all, until I 
start reading the newspaper or watching 
TV - then, in just a minute or two, I'm 
back to my old self and have to start 
all over again. Maybe I should take a
long sabbatical, then in a year or two,
return here when I can dialog like a
pundit, or at least a gentleman; at
present, I am neither, so maybe I should
just keep my pie hole shut and stop
ragging on the two Barry's and Curtis.
But some people just feel better when 
they have someone to talk to.

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