--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
<curtisdeltabl...@...> wrote:
> > I often find it fascinating that someone declares someone to be or
> not > be enlightened.
> > When it comes from a hillbilly like curtis it goes beyond; it
> becomes > hilarious.
> I was knocking a few back the other night with my main dog Maitreya
> and your name came up Nabbie.  He refers to you as the priggish old
> Euro with American envy, anywhooo, he was laughing his ass off over
> all the stuff he has gotten you to believe about himself through the
> years with his Benji Creme pranks.  Apparently they sit around all
> night knocking back 10 year old Port wine and Stilton cheese and 
> five-ing about what they are going to get you to swallow next.  He 
> so tipsy telling the stories that he tried to get his old pal Mahesh
> on the phone at one point (who he used to trade "Nabbie gullibility"
> stories with) until I reminded him that he was dead.  Then he got 
> sappy over how funny it was when good ol' Mahesh got you to believe
> you were flying while bouncing on your butt. (He does the most
> hilarious imitation of you flying BTW, think a seated Michael 
> with epilepsy.) 
> After the bartender got tired of wiping the bar after Maitreya kept
> shooting his Scottish & Newcastle beer through his nose laughing at
> your ability to believe anything we were asked to hit the road  Me
> back to my crib and Maitreya with a waitress just getting off 
duty.  I
> heard him lay his rap on her as they headed out the door:"I'm the 
> of the earth see baby, and someday I'll hold a press conference with
> the whole world and I'll give you a country of your own... which one
> would you like baby, cuz you're so fine..."

Haha, you are simply hilarious and it's evident why you prefer Elvis 
as King. 

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