--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I've accepted this offer, and when I get the number, I'll call.
> But, hey, eh?  Jerry gets points for guts!  Gotta give him the 
> first round on that alone.
> Anyone want to suggest questions of ultra-specificity that I 
> might ask?  

Not really, except for the one question I've added
at the end. But given the obvious emotion that you
have invested in these issues for years here on FFL,
I can suggest a question that you might want to keep 
asking yourself as the phone call progresses.

If you find yourself getting angry, do a bit of mind-
fulness and ask yourself, "WHO is it that I am really
angry at?"

Why I am suggesting this is that my honest impression
of many of your rants here about the TMO and its 
excesses are *deflections* to take your own attention
away from the person you are really angry at, which
is *yourself*, for being such a gullible doofus for
such a long time.

Join the club, dude. That doesn't make you terribly
special, nor does your anger about it. Doofuses 'R Us.

Most of the questions in your long list of them could
just as easily be asked of you or any of us here as of 
Jerry, right?

Except for the ones asking for "current information 
about the TMO," which IMO Jerry is unlikely to know,
both because my impression is that he wouldn't be 
"kept in the loop," and he wouldn't care. I worked
with Jerry for a few years, and his ability to focus
on the moment and what needs to be done *in* that
moment was astounding. I'm sure he's the same way
now, and his "moments" don't really include knowing
or caring what's happening in the day-to-day world
of the TMO.

But questions about smuggling money, or taken-away
ATR credits, or saying things that he knew weren't
true, or putting up with policies that you intuitively
felt were wrong? Haven't you said many times that you 
knew about these things, too, and somehow found a way 
to justify them?

So I guess my suggestion is to try to bring some 
self-honesty to the phone call, and if you find your-
self slipping into anger, remember that it probably
isn't Jerry that you're angry at, or even Maharishi
or Bevan or the TMO. It's *yourself*, for doing for
so long the very things you're angry at all these 
other people for doing now. 

Remembering that might help to keep things in balance,
and to remind you of all-important compassion. For
them, and more important, for yourself. 

Compassion makes you feel good and allows you to move
on. Anger keeps you locked into the same old same old
rut for as long as you indulge it. In a very real 
sense, the longer you indulge anger at others who did
the same things you did, the longer you indulge in
being angry at yourself. As Malachy McCourt said:

"Resentment is like taking poison and waiting 
for the other person to die." 

Or, as the Buddha guy said in the Dhammapada:

"'Look how he abused me and beat me. 
How he threw me down and robbed me.' 
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate." 

< snip to list of questions to ponder to 
see how many of them apply equally to you >

> My rough listing of issues I'll hit Jerry with are:
> International money smuggling.
> How the TMO justified taking away ATR credits?
> Why no hovering?
> Why Jerry kicked out?
> How TMO justified the spying upon course participants and the 
> keeping of black lists, and the sucker-punch-blind-siding of 
> hundreds of folks with decisions about them being made in 
> secret and only revealed after those folks had plunked down 
> their bucks.
> How the TMO justified sneaking folks out of countries when 
> they got in auto accidents and the like.
> How the TMO justified letting the morality of Bevin and Heg 
> go unexamined?
> How the Bloomfield or Beckely crimes and MUM Murder can be 
> harmonized with the fact that these guys did program religiously 
> for years.
> How many CPs did the TMO have to pay off, shut up, send to a
> psychiatrist?  I saw tons of folks who were walking-wounded, 
> jabbering blubberers, whip-snapping twichers, etc.
> How the TMO's richest TB, Kaplan, got so shafted?
> How come Jerry and other-TM-biggies never took the siddhis?
> How much money does the TMO pay him now?  How much in the last 
> decade?
> Where does all the money go?  Who owns all the properties? What
> is Girish's real status in this deal?
> Would he meet with a roomful of EX-True Believers to be questioned?
> How the TMO could rationalize pushing all of us deeply into 
> Himduism when we marketed otherwise with our TM promotions?
> How the TMO could -- in America -- promote racism, sexism, 
> chauvinism, classism in its TB ranks but present itself to the 
> public as non-religious, universal, fair, just -- promising to 
> be harmonious with all creeds and lifestyles with blurbs like 
> "Eat what mother gives you."
> Who controls the TMO now? Are there three factions as suspected: 
> B & H, Girish, and Tony's crowd?
> Can he come to Fairfield to meet with the disaffected?  (At, say, 
> a $1000 per diem plus air fare?)
> Is he enlightened? Can he do anything scientifically measurable 
> to blast away all doubts finally after all these years?  How's 
> his health in his advancing age?  If there's troubles, does he 
> use TMO vedic medicines etc.?  
> Does he really think that the TMO is a success or making good 
> headway?  
> What does he think of the million dollar course, the crowns, etc.?
> Has he been in contact with Maharishi since he dropped the body?

Just to end on an "up note," if the answer 
to this last question is Yes, can you ask
him to ask Maharishi how Elvis is?  :-)

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