--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2009, at 3:09 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
> > My rough listing of issues I'll hit Jerry with are:
> >
> > International money smuggling.
> >
> > How the TMO justified taking away ATR credits?
> >
> > Why no hovering?
> >
> > Why Jerry kicked out?
> >
> > How TMO justified the spying upon course participants and the keeping
> > of black lists, and the sucker-punch-blind-siding of hundreds of folks
> > with decisions about them being made in secret and only revealed after
> > those folks had plunked down their bucks.
> >
> > How the TMO justified sneaking folks out of countries when they got in
> > auto accidents and the like.
> >
> > How the TMO justified letting the morality of Bevin and Heg go  
> > unexamined?
> >
> > How the Bloomfield or Beckely crimes and MUM Murder can be harmonized
> > with the fact that these guys did program religiously for years.
> >
> > How many CPs did the TMO have to pay off, shut up, send to a
> > psychiatrist?  I saw tons of folks who were walking-wounded, jabbering
> > blubberers, whip-snapping twichers, etc.
> >
> > How the TMO's richest TB, Kaplan, got so shafted?
> >
> > How come Jerry and other-TM-biggies never took the siddhis?
> >
> > How much money does the TMO pay him now?  How much in the last decade?
> >
> > Where does all the money go?  Who owns all the properties? What is
> > Girish's real status in this deal?
> >
> > Would he meet with a roomful of EX-True Believers to be questioned?
> >
> > How the TMO could rationalize pushing all of us deeply into Himduism
> > when we marketed otherwise with our TM promotions?
> >
> > How the TMO could -- in America -- promote racism, sexism, chauvinism,
> > classism in its TB ranks but present itself to the public as
> > non-religious, universal, fair, just -- promising to be harmonious
> > with all creeds and lifestyles with blurbs like "Eat what mother gives
> > you."
> >
> > Who controls the TMO now? Are there three factions as suspected: B &
> > H, Girish, and Tony's crowd?
> >
> > Can he come to Fairfield to meet with the disaffected?  (At, say, a
> > $1000 per diem plus air fare?)
> >
> > Is he enlightened? Can he do anything scientifically measurable to
> > blast away all doubts finally after all these years?  How's his health
> > in his advancing age?  If there's troubles, does he use TMO vedic
> > medicines etc.?
> >
> > Does he really think that the TMO is a success or making good headway?
> >
> > What does he think of the million dollar course, the crowns, etc.?
> >
> > Has he been in contact with Maharishi since he dropped the body?
> How does he rationalize the Holy Shankaracharya Orders primary text  
> on Cosmic Consciousness and Unity Consciousness, the jivan-mukti- 
> viveka's insistence on not cultivating samyama on the siddhi formula,  
> i.e. cultivating siddhis rather than letting the realization of real  
> samadhi have the siddhis 'trail behind us' as Shri Guru Dev insisted  
> it should be? Is the Holy Tradtion wrong? Did HH the Maharishi know  
> better than his own guru? Why does the JMV insist we avoid yogic flying?
> Was Mahesh ever actually ordained as a yogi? By whom, when and where?  
> Why did a yogi have to have Indian gym teacher design his asana course?
> :-)

Does it really matter? EIther it works (at least for some) or it doesn't. You
are of the opinion that it doesn't work, period, or so I gather. How do you
respond to the folks from some other tradition that proveably DOES 
(in their minds at least) stretch back thousands of years unbroken who 
disagree with you?

CAN there be such people, in your mind?


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