--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> > It wouldn't be a problem for you BillyG if you weren't attached to it.
> > The attachment is within 'you'. The problem is 'yours'.
> And yours my friend, the attraction to the opposite sex is put there
> by God to procreate the race.  If woman are constantly abusing that
> power by agitating it in man (for personal gain) they are
> transgressing the laws of nature by using it outside of the context
> for which it was intended....


He sees the Self in ALL things, and ALL things in the Self.

"The devotee that has gained right realization sees all things, by the
eye of knowledge, as existing in his own self, and the one self as all
things."  - Shankara

Tat Wale Baba: 

The world is within you. And, if you are at peace within, if
your awareness is established in your Self your world is in peace.

And, if you are wavering and peaceless and you are not in tune with
your own eternal state of Being then the world is in peacelessness.

If you want to create peace on the cosmic level then you must take
refuge in God. And, if you want peace within yourself, realize the
Self and your world will be in peace and you will see that the whole
world is in peace. The world is as you are, and the world will be as
you will be.

Student: Are there any shortcuts to purification of karma?

Tat Wale Baba: 

The shortest cut to the purification of karma is surrender to
God, devotion to God, realization of the Self. And, when you realize
the Self all your mind and senses will be purified. And, when your
senses are purified all your actions will be good. They will be life
supporting. They behave with you as your friends. 

And, if the mind is not established in the Self, in the glory of God,
then your own senses will become your enemy. And then, all your karma
will pounce upon you as your enemy. 

It is the fixity of the mind in the Self that makes your senses your
friend, and non-fixity of the mind in the Self makes your senses your

Senses-enemy means karma, because the karma is performed by the
senses. So the karma will be good if the mind is established in the
Self and karma will not be good if the mind is not established in the

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