Fairfield Lifer wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> I remember when I was in India over 10 years ago one of our tour guides
>> had a Master's in computer science.  He was asking me about jobs so I
>> asked him if he had any experience programming Windows.  Of course not.
>> Back then they way they learned was to stand around a computer in a
>> group and watch an instructor show them how to do things.  They got very
>> little hands on experiences.  I told him he was up against westerners
>> who owned computers and maybe never took a class in computer science but
>> learned from books how to program, even Windows programming, and could
>> show me some programs they had written.  That's who I hired.  People
>> with REAL experience not theoretical knowledge.
> Problem is that too many companies like Cisco, MS and Oracle make a
> bundle off of theoretical certification.  So you pay your money, take
> the test and voila! you are a certified expert.  Oracle even offers
> Masters Certification.  One becomes a master by taking a whole bunch
> of Oracle Education courses.  All of these certifications are very
> impressive to management until things go south and suddenly the
> certified are clueless as to how to proceed.
Reminds me of the dot com boom where the dot coms didn't want to hire 
anyone over 30.  Even for management.  They wanted to do it "their way" 
and we see what happened.

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