--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> And in others here, WHY do they believe the
> things they so clearly believe? [...] WHY does
> another clearly believe that she has no Free
> Will, and yet chide others for abusing theirs?

The problem here is that you don't understand
the nature of the belief you cite. There's no
contradiction involved.

(And BTW--from another of your posts today--
"Only a True Believer responds to disagreement
with the words, 'You just don't understand'"--
this is rather obviously not true.)

The weird thing is that your misunderstanding
about free will has been explained to you many
times, but you simply can't let go of it. Or
*won't* let go of it, because it's a handy
weapon for bashing people.

Even weirder, the key to the correct understanding
is something you yourself have insisted on many
times, that reality is different in different
states of consciousness.

> It's an enduring koan to me, one that keeps me here and
> keeps me posting. What IS it about the magical phrase 
> "Maharishisez" (which is my answer to all the WHYs above)
> that "trumps" common sense, that "trumps" logic, that
> "trumps" even the fear of being laughed at?

That may be *your* answer, but it isn't
necessarily the answer for many of us.

> But the other thing I think you can say about them almost
> without fear of contradiction is that they have never
> asked themselves WHY they believe the things that they
> say. To do so would gnaw away at that sense of certainty
> that they strove so hard to achieve.

For some, perhaps, but not all by any means.
Indeed, for some it's just the opposite: to
the degree that they're certain about something,
it's because what MMY taught wasn't enough in
and of itself, and they consulted other sources
(including their personal experience and their
own intellectual analysis) before deciding that
whatever it was made sense.

It seems to me that your conclusion here is
really a way to avoid considering different ways
of understanding things than the ones you prefer,
because that would disturb *your* sense of

And despite your elaborate lip service to the
notion that you aren't certain about anything,
in fact you're quite certain about many of the
things you preach to us here--more certain, even,
than some of us who hold the beliefs you deride.

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