On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 4:40 PM, lurkernomore20002000 > life-devoted to
a teacher, >who I am inclined to believe did achieve
> the heights of spiritual development.  I don't think anyone likes
> being taken for a dupe, so evidently those who have kept the movement
> afloat financially either feel their funds have been used
> appropiately, or maybe they just have too much "invested", to look at
> other possibiiities.  But, at the very least, it created a feeling of
> goodwill towards those still carrying the flame. :)

Yes, I know the feeling.  But it gets to a point where even the most
diehard believer in carrying the torch starts to wonder if they're
being taken for a ride.

Let's take the recent announcement, posted here, about the Brahmastan
of India.  How the TMO is wanting to increase the numbers to super
radiance but suddenly there's a hitch:  3 parcels of land given to
sell to raise the cash for the project now probably can't be sold
because of the economic situation.  So donors are being solicited for
the zillionth time.  OK, well let's apply some TARP thinking into
this.  Why should we donate money if there's land that could be sold
to raise it?  Because it can't be sold right now?  OK, I don't have a
problem with that.  Just package up the land and offer it to the
people you're trying to get fresh money from.  Give us something in
exchange for our cash.  Eventually the economic situation will
improve.  It has before, it always does, eventually.  If we just cut
checks now, then when land values recover, the TMO will have the money
all over again.  Now this misadventure in India has been going on for
quite a while.  Remember when there were all these monorails planned
for the massive construction along the Ganges?  What happened to that
construction?  What's the current value of it?  Where did the money
for its purchase, planning and construction on it go?

Eventually you have to say "Look.  You've asked and were given, you
asked and were given.  Now show me something."  Or remain a fool.

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