On Feb 11, 2009, at 4:08 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:15 AM, Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net> wrote:
IME, meditators get addicted to "silent" states and calm, thought- free
states, just makes them "flat". I suspect this is why many outsiders
experience TM folks as having a flat affect. They don't integrate thought,
they're too busy trying to escape it.

The thing is that the silence comes and goes, comes and goes, comes
and goes and eventually stays for longer periods.  These people didn't
get Maharishi's teaching to "take it as it comes".  So sort of like a
rat  that's learned superstitious behavior in a Skinner box or some
South Sea islanders who've developed a cargo cult, the meditator is
doing whatever appears is needed to get back to and keep the silence.
It appears to them that if they keep real still, don't engage in much
action and don't experience the full range of emotions the silence
comes and stays around longer.  Not following Maharishi's teaching on
the matter, they actually prevent the silence from growing in them.
Rather than dipping the cloth then pulling out and exposing to the
sun, they're trying to keep the cloth immersed in the dye.

A similar mistake is made in the Mother Divine cult, where the THMDs
and wannabes stop after every few breaths, every few words, every few
movements to examine what they've just said, breathed or done,
thinking that this is the witnessing Maharishi talked about.

My observation would be, since TM folks aren't taught how to transcend in all of the various Vedantic "bodies", only the mental one, they never really achieve true silence in the yogic sense, just a blank thoughtless space and some karmic kundalini. Jnanic shakti seems sadly absent.

Of course everyone's different, so you can't rule out that some people may have certain predisposing factors, but such a thing would be extremely rare.

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