--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...>
> On Feb 21, 2009, at 2:34 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > I remember hearing, many years ago, about the sad
> > fate of a woman I knew back in college. She had
> > moved to Fairfield, toked on the TM Kool-Aid Bong,
> > and settled down to a nice, "normal" life as a
> > TM housewife. Then one day she poured gasoline
> > on herself and lit herself on fire. And, from
> > what I could tell, the response of the "TM village"
> > was to present *her* as an embarrassment, and to
> > sweep Yet Another "Anomalous Aspect Of The ME"
> > under the rug. She got filed under "the workings
> > of karma are unfathomable," and no one whose
> > reports on the incident I read expressed much
> > emotion or compassion about it other than a
> > sense of embarrassment and a wish that people
> > like her would just go away and leave them with
> > their illusions.
> Are you sure about this happening here, Barry?
> I'm just asking because I'm surprised I haven't
> heard of it myself.  Anyone know who this was?
> It's horrible, to put it mildly.

I am *not* sure. I heard it on one of the
TM-related forums I've been part of over
the years...don't remember which one. The 
woman's name that I knew was Karen Hudson, 
but she would have had a different married 

> And I  have no doubt about the cover-up aspect,
> It's about the only thing they do well any more.
> > The TM movement's "Vedic Society" is as much of
> > a sham as that Church in Los Angeles where every-
> > one came to Sunday services dressed up as angels
> > and archangels, and was found to be fronting a
> > drug operation.
> Hopefully they were at least making $$.
> > There is as much "dirty linen"
> > in Fairfield, Iowa as there is in any town in
> > America, or anywhere else in the world. And the
> > sooner that the hypocrites pretending otherwise
> > learn that, the sooner they'll come to re-entering
> > the human race.
> >
> > The whole "dump on pot" thang here lately has
> > been an embarrassment of Beavis and Butthead
> > idiocy. The people preaching from their holier-
> > than-thou towers about the evils of marijuana
> > have universally been 1) ignorant of the facts,
> > 2) ignorant of the long history of herb and
> > spirituality, even in their own "tradition,"
> > and 3) as mind-locked in step with dogma as
> > 1950s Americans who believed that rock n' roll
> > and dancing were "gateway drugs" to sex. (They
> > were, but so is life.)
> I find it interesting that the ones preaching the most
> often about the various evils in society, here, on FFL,
> are usually the ones who seem to have the loneliest
> lives.  


"Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."
- anonymous

Here, as commentary on, say, the "ideal of
bramacharya" presented here so often by 
people who couldn't be lonelier if they 
tried as if bramacharya were an ideal that
everyone should aspire to, is a photo of 
what is often the effect of bramacharya 
in spiritual traditions: 


> Hmmm...maybe passing judgement on others for
> personal choices isn't all it's cracked up to be.
> > Lighten the fuck UP, people. What, in the long
> > run, is more debilitating? Smoking a little herb
> > from time to time to relax, or spending tens of
> > thousands of dollars on Ayurvedic snake oil and
> > yagyas and Jyotish readings and The Next Big
> > Course (the one that's *finally* going to work,
> > and make me enlightened)?
> An excellent point.

Let's put it this way...the most wasted, 
pot-smoker has spent a fraction of the money
supporting his habit as many people here have
spent supporting their TM habits. 

"Doing things is over-rated. Hitler did a lot of things. 
Yet don't we all wish he had just stayed home and gotten 
-- Dex, in the film "The Tao of Steve"

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