TurquoiseB wrote:
> > I remember hearing, many years ago, about the sad
> > fate of a woman I knew back in college. She had
> > moved to Fairfield, toked on the TM Kool-Aid Bong,
> > and settled down to a nice, "normal" life as a
> > TM housewife. Then one day she poured gasoline
> > on herself and lit herself on fire... 
> >
Sal Sunshine wrote:
> Are you sure about this happening here, Barry?
> I'm just asking because I'm surprised I haven't
> heard of it myself. Anyone know who this was?
Are you saying, Sal, that as a resident of Fairfield 
you never heard of a woman pouring gasoline on herself
and lighting it? This would surely have made news in 
the Fairfield Ledger or at least it would have been 
mentioned in the MUM Review. Maybe Alex or Rick know
about this, if so, why are they withholding information?

This is just outrageous!

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