On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Jan-Åke Ingvar Jönsson
<transcendentalcosmicbl...@yahoo.se> wrote:
> Have a look at these Obama-facts and statements:
> Barack Obama: The Naked Emperor:
> www.davidicke.com/obama
> Obama-lies, which Obama did you vote for?:
> http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=5630
> The Obama Deception:
> http://www.obamadeception.net/

Very good.  Now if only I can get Gmail filters to make Bhairitu's
posts invisible.

A quick history of Obama.  Ran unopposed for the Illinois legislature
because of constant challenging of other candidate's legitimate claims
to be on the ballot.  Soon after ran for US Senator.  Held no position
of distinction in the US Senate during his single term.  Quickly
started running for US president.  While campaigning, refused to
reveal his birth certificate, resulting in many law suits around the
country still pending which challenge the legality of his election to
the presidency.  Also refused to provide school, college, law school
transcripts and work product.  No evidence that Obama actually wrote
any law opinions or did any publishable legal writing despite being
head of the law review.  No significant legislation proposed in the
Senate.  In short, no real experience in government.  No details in
his record to have to campaign in spite of.  Spoke about redoing the
NAFTA during his campaign.  Of all the hundreds of things he's
"promised" since becoming President, the only thing he's done about
NAFTA was to go to Canada and tell the Canadians how much he loved

Just the kind of man we needed as ink blotch that we can all project
our malcontent with the current government on.  Pretty much another
JFK, who's only real contribution in politics was to get killed in
office and therefore get people teary eyed about the hype that wasn't
any more than that.

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