Just to humor Edg, and because as a believer
in the value of Beginner's Mind I hope always
to be a "newbie," and just for the fun of it,
I'll answer.

> 1. In which religion were you raised?

None. I was thrown out of Presbyterian 
Sunday School after my third Sunday and
have been thankful for that ever since.
> 2. In which other religious movements have you been a 
> true believer?  List them in chronological order.  

Badly phrased question, Edg. I have 
*never* been a "True Believer" in any
movement that I considered "religious."

I have participated in movements that 
I considered "spiritual" on the "True
Believer" level only twice -- with TM
and with the Rama trip.

> 3. Do you believe in reincarnation?


> 4. Do you believe in an omniscient, omnipotent, God Who is 
> running the universe down to the least aspect?


> 5. How do you define soul?

I don't. Meaningless term.

> 6. How do you define enlightenment?

I don't. Meaningless term.

> 7. Nature or nurture?

Both, of course.

> 8. List the gurus in who's physical presence you've been.

Too many to list.

> 9. What country do you live in now?


> 10. How many children have you parented?

None, to my knowledge.

> 11. How many times married?


> 12. Years spent in the TMO?


> 13. Years spent living in Fairfield, Iowa?

0 (zero).
> 14. Vegetarian?  


> What rules?  

None. Oh, you meant about eating. :-) None.

> 15. Do you watch entertainment that portrays raw and graphic 
> violence?


> 16. Can drugs be spiritually useful to the ordinary person on 
> the street such that regular use could be supported?

Too many variables to give a straight 
answer to. What is "spiritually useful?"
What is "regular use?" For that matter,
what is an "ordinary person?"

> 17. In which places of the world have you lived a year or more?

Too many to list. Well over 50 at this point.

> 18. On a 1 - 10 scale, rate how much of your spiritual 
> journey you've accomplished so far.  

All of it. My journey, "spiritual" or 
otherwise, extends only as far as this
moment. Tomorrow -- if I live to see 
tomorrow -- I will give the same answer, 
but the journey will have been one day 

> 19. How much time do you spend per day in formal spiritual 
> practices that are not common-everyday human activities?

A half an hour to an hour in sitting 
meditation. But I can practice mindful-
ness at any time, and often do -- while 
working, eating, walking, sleeping, or 
having sex. 

> 20. List the recreational activities, hobbies, passions that 
> get more than 10 hours per week of your time.

Walking. Reading. Watching movies. Being
a predator. ( Hey...you didn't think I was
going to give you ALL straight answers,
did you? :-)

> 21. What do you expect to get out of posting here at 
> FairfieldLife?

I *hope* to win that big kewpie doll on the
shelf behind the carnival barker. But I've
been around the carnival circuit enough
times to *expect* nothing. 

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