--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Turq,
> My notes below:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Just to humor Edg, and because as a believer
> > in the value of Beginner's Mind I hope always
> > to be a "newbie," and just for the fun of it,
> > I'll answer.
> That's a snipe. To humor someone is to plainly indicate 
> that you feel the person is whacked. 


> > > 1. In which religion were you raised?
> >
> > None. I was thrown out of Presbyterian
> > Sunday School after my third Sunday and
> > have been thankful for that ever since.
> >
> > > 2. In which other religious movements have you been a
> > > true believer?  List them in chronological order.
> >
> > Badly phrased question, Edg. I have
> > *never* been a "True Believer" in any
> > movement that I considered "religious."
> A newbie could see from this that you're sniping without 
> helping with a re-wording. Typical of you.

Why should I help you feel superior to Newbies?
Make up your own bad questions.

> > I have participated in movements that
> > I considered "spiritual" on the "True
> > Believer" level only twice -- with TM
> > and with the Rama trip.
> >
> > > 3. Do you believe in reincarnation?
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > > 4. Do you believe in an omniscient, omnipotent, God Who is
> > > running the universe down to the least aspect?
> >
> > No.
> >
> > > 5. How do you define soul?
> >
> > I don't. Meaningless term.
> Obviously it is not a meaningless term if you thought it 
> had enough meaning to deny soul.  

I did not "deny soul." I said that it was a 
meaningless term. It is, to me. If you have
a meaning for the term, fine. I think the
whole issue of whether one has a "soul" and
what it's like is meaningless ego-tripe.

> Instead, the word "meaningless" is more easily
> interpreted as your way of putting me down for even asking 
> the question....a meaningless question is what a dolt asks, 
> right?


> > > 6. How do you define enlightenment?
> >
> > I don't. Meaningless term.
> For a person who has spent thousands of hours on sites that 
> pertain to enlightenment, you come off, again, as intent on 
> putting me down rather than answer the question.  


I don't CARE about the question. You do.
To me it's a meaningless term. As with
"soul," you are asking people to "pin
down" and try to define something that 
is IMO ever-changing and non-defineable. 
That *does* kinda make you a dolt.

> You have a deep and clear set of concepts that have helped 
> you arrive at your POV about enlightenment, yet you offer 
> no explanation of your dismissal that would show you see the
> complexities.  


> You've waxed long about this concept for a decade, so
> your curt answer here is a personal attack.


> > > 7. Nature or nurture?
> >
> > Both, of course.  The "of course" again is an attack on my 
> > cogency.


> > > 8. List the gurus in who's physical presence you've been.
> >
> > Too many to list.  

> Rather than name the "biggies," you seem to assert some sort 
> of soft concept like "everyone and everything is my teacher,"
> and so, you ignore the intent of the question.

Not really. I just didn't think you were 
worth sitting down and trying to remember
all their names. Still don't.

> > > 9. What country do you live in now?
> >
> > Spain.
> >
> > > 10. How many children have you parented?
> >
> > None, to my knowledge.
> >
> > > 11. How many times married?
> >
> > Once.
> >
> > > 12. Years spent in the TMO?
> >
> > 14.
> >
> > > 13. Years spent living in Fairfield, Iowa?
> >
> > 0 (zero).
> >
> > > 14. Vegetarian?
> >
> > No.
> >
> > > What rules?
> >
> > None. Oh, you meant about eating. :-) None.
> >
> > > 15. Do you watch entertainment that portrays raw and graphic
> > > violence?
> >
> > Absolutely.
> >
> > > 16. Can drugs be spiritually useful to the ordinary person on
> > > the street such that regular use could be supported?
> >
> > Too many variables to give a straight
> > answer to. What is "spiritually useful?"
> > What is "regular use?" For that matter,
> > what is an "ordinary person?"
> Of course these are good questions, but everyone here could 
> answer the question-in-general easily. 

You are used to dealing with people who are
willing to answer badly-phrased questions, then.

> You chose to avoid answering by shotgunning back a ton of 
> nuance questions just to side track the issue.

No, I just blew off a stupid question. And?

> > > 17. In which places of the world have you lived a year or more?
> >
> > Too many to list. Well over 50 at this point.
> Hmmm, so just about every year of your life you've moved?   


> Interesting.
> Have you ever had a sense of "roots" in a geographic area?

No. Don't want one. You've only lived three
places and look how you turned out.  :-)

> > > 18. On a 1 - 10 scale, rate how much of your spiritual
> > > journey you've accomplished so far.
> >
> > All of it. My journey, "spiritual" or
> > otherwise, extends only as far as this
> > moment. Tomorrow -- if I live to see
> > tomorrow -- I will give the same answer,
> > but the journey will have been one day
> > longer.  

> Again a slippery answer...

Again a true answer. You don't seem to be 
able to handle the truth.

> ...that is poetry instead of direct communication.   

And? What makes you think you're worth
communicating with?

> At least there's no sniping done, so I can try to
> interpret the poetry without having to deal with a snipe too.

You can interpret things any way you want.
*How* you interpret them means as little to
me as you do.

> > > 19. How much time do you spend per day in formal spiritual
> > > practices that are not common-everyday human activities?
> >
> > A half an hour to an hour in sitting
> > meditation. But I can practice mindful-
> > ness at any time, and often do -- while
> > working, eating, walking, sleeping, or
> > having sex.
> >
> > > 20. List the recreational activities, hobbies, passions that
> > > get more than 10 hours per week of your time.
> >
> > Walking. Reading. Watching movies. Being
> > a predator. ( Hey...you didn't think I was
> > going to give you ALL straight answers,
> > did you? :-)

I notice you didn't jump on this one. Could
it possibly be because you don't want to 
bring up YOUR counterpart to Judy's "death
threat" meltdown?  :-)

> > > 21. What do you expect to get out of posting here at
> > > FairfieldLife?
> >
> > I *hope* to win that big kewpie doll on the
> > shelf behind the carnival barker. But I've
> > been around the carnival circuit enough
> > times to *expect* nothing.

You didn't jump on this one, either. Too bad.
It's the best answer of the lot.

Edg, you're reacting as if you're HURT that
I didn't take your little ego-questionaire
seriously, and that it implies that I don't
tke YOU seriously. 

Well, it's true. Get used to it.

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