Vaj wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2009, at 6:26 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>>> You can make a case for anything.  The question is whether it makes
>>> sense.  I seriously doubt that the vedas and democracy are compatible.
>>>    Let's not go backwards.  I do not understand the romantic notion
>>> some people seem to have regarding the vedas and vedic times.
>>> Especially women.
>>> Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
>>> your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
>>> up and be counted.
>> I've never seen a horoscope, as long as the proper birth time is given,
>> not indicate what field the person will be most successful in.  They
>> usually already have inclinations towards those fields.   What is your
>> experience in doing horoscope readings?
> One of the few, large sample studies done on sidereal astrology has 
> shown that there are a few things Jyotish, sidereal-style astrology 
> can determine. One is occupation IIRC.
> Have you read any of the research of French psychologist and 
> mathematician Michel Gauquelin?
I've only read article on Gauguelin who took a lot of flack for his 
research.  I guess it just drove the "ego heads" nuts to think that some 
things were out of their control.  Occupational paths are often very 
easy to determine, especially if the ascendant is a moolatrikona sign.   
In many cases I already knew what the person did for a living and 
looking at the chart you would say "no wonder."  And you couldn't 
superimpose some unrelated occupation on the chart because it would not 
support it.

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