John wrote:
> Kalki is supposed to be the manifestation of divine retribution here on 
> earth.  If this occurs, I wouldn't want to be in this world.  We just started 
> Kali Yuga.  So, we got another 432,000 years, give or take a few years, to 
> wait for this cataclysmic event to happen.
John, you are "off program."  Didn't MMY declare before he died that it 
was actually Sat Yuga?  :-D

Yup, Kali yuga is pretty bad.  I have a little version of "It's Howdy 
Doody Time" (which is of course the old song "Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-Di-Yay") 
called "It's Kali Yuga Time."

Buffalo Bob:

"Hey, boys and girls, what time is it!"

(Sing along now)

It's Kali yuga time,
it's Kali yuga time,
it's time for sin and crime,
it Kali yuga time.

(add your own verses here)

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