You're reading the wrong book there Jimjim, it should be Esdras 2

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jimjim5886" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:05 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama is exhaused

> --- In, I am the eternal <l.shad...@...> 
> wrote:
>>     People seem to think that Barack Obama is going to save this country 
>> from ruin during this crisis were in. But they are going to be very 
>> disappointed because Obama will die suddenly and mysteriously after only 
>> a few days in office without really acomplishing much of anything. Other 
>> than to raise taxes. 
>> The bible says in Rev. 17:10 that there are 7 kings 5 are fallen and 1 
>> "is"(present tense). I figured out who the first 6 kings were when Geoge 
>> W. Bush was President(During his frist term) and i realilized that there 
>> were still 5 former pres. still alive at that point in time. They were 
>> Ford, Carter, Reagan,  Bush, Clinton. And of course Geoge W. would be #6 
>> who is spoken of in the present tense because of course he was the 
>> president then at that point in time, and still is untill Obama becomes 
>> king #7 on Jan. 20th. 
>> I saw in 1 of my visions where my wife said to some other women "the 
>> president is allready dead". In the vision she was in Fargo, N. Dak. and 
>> she was looking in the direction of a plane that had just taken off from 
>> the airport in Fargo. I thing that plane might have been airforce 1. 
>> Acording to the catholic bible in Dan. 11 the person who is king or pres. 
>> just before the anti-christ comes along will die during a crises. Which 
>> is where we are now and its probably going to get worse. 
>> I started  my web page in 2004. 
>> read the black print.    I knew Who the frist 6 kings were. And i knew 
>> that whoever became pres. after Geoge W. Bush would be the 7th king. I 
>> thought for sure that people would be smart enough to see that Bush was 
>> wrong in going to war in Iraq. And that they would never reelect him, but 
>> i was wrong. And after the election i thought forsure that they would 
>> wake up and come to there senses and impeach him. But i was wrong again. 
>> But now that Obama has been elected i finely know for sure that he is the 
>> 7th king the bible speaks of and the 1 my wife spoke of in my vision. 
>> Also The angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the anti-christ. So 
>> he will be the 8th king and is also one of the previous 7 kings as it 
>> says in Rev.17:10. Gabriel also told me that Jimmy Carter was going to 
>> change his name and divorce his wife.
>> A Jyotish friend of mine cast Obama's chart and tells me he's in grave
>> danger.  Details in a few days.
>> Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown
>> Barack Obama's offhand approach to Gordon Brown's Washington visit
>> last week came about because the president was facing exhaustion over
>> America's economic crisis and is unable to focus on foreign affairs,
>> the Sunday Telegraph has been told.
>> By Tim Shipman in Washington
>> Last Updated: 10:03PM GMT 07 Mar 2009
>> Sources close to the White House say Mr Obama and his staff have been
>> "overwhelmed" by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that
>> the new president is not getting enough rest.
>> British officials, meanwhile, admit that the White House and US State
>> Department staff were utterly bemused by complaints that the Prime
>> Minister should have been granted full-blown press conference and a
>> formal dinner, as has been customary. They concede that Obama aides
>> seemed unfamiliar with the expectations that surround a major visit by
>> a British prime minister.
>> But Washington figures with access to Mr Obama's inner circle
>> explained the slight by saying that those high up in the
>> administration have had little time to deal with international
>> matters, let alone the diplomatic niceties of the special
>> relationship.
>> Allies of Mr Obama say his weary appearance in the Oval Office with Mr
>> Brown illustrates the strain he is now under, and the president's
>> surprise at the sheer volume of business that crosses his desk.
>> A well-connected Washington figure, who is close to members of Mr
>> Obama's inner circle, expressed concern that Mr Obama had failed so
>> far to "even fake an interest in foreign policy".
>> A British official conceded that the furore surrounding the apparent
>> snub to Mr Brown had come as a shock to the White House. "I think it's
>> right to say that their focus is elsewhere, on domestic affairs. A
>> number of our US interlocutors said they couldn't quite understand the
>> British concerns and didn't get what that was all about."
>> The American source said: "Obama is overwhelmed. There is a zero sum
>> tension between his ability to attend to the economic issues and his
>> ability to be a proactive sculptor of the national security agenda.
>> "That was the gamble these guys made at the front end of this
>> presidency and I think they're finding it a hard thing to do
>> everything."
>> British diplomats insist the visit was a success, with officials
>> getting the chance to develop closer links with Mr Obama's aides. They
>> point out that the president has agreed to meet the prime minister for
>> further one-to-one talks in London later this month, ahead of the G20
>> summit on April 2.
>> But they concede that the mood music of the event was at times
>> strained. Mr Brown handed over carefully selected gifts, including a
>> pen holder made from the wood of a warship that helped stamp out the
>> slave trade - a sister ship of the vessel from which timbers were
>> taken to build Mr Obama's Oval Office desk. Mr Obama's gift in return,
>> a collection of Hollywood film DVDs that could have been bought from
>> any high street store, looked like the kind of thing the White House
>> might hand out to the visiting head of a minor African state.
>> Mr Obama rang Mr Brown as he flew home, in what many suspected was an
>> attempt to make amends.
>> The real views of many in Obama administration were laid bare by a
>> State Department official involved in planning the Brown visit, who
>> reacted with fury when questioned by The Sunday Telegraph about why
>> the event was so low-key.
>> The official dismissed any notion of the special relationship, saying:
>> "There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the
>> other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn't expect special
>> treatment." The apparent lack of attention to detail by the Obama
>> administration is indicative of what many believe to be Mr Obama's
>> determination to do too much too quickly.
>> In addition to passing the largest stimulus package and the largest
>> budget in US history, Mr Obama is battling a plummeting stock market,
>> the possible bankruptcy of General Motors, and rising unemployment. He
>> has also begun historic efforts to achieve universal healthcare,
>> overhaul education and begin a green energy revolution all in his
>> first 50 days in office.
>> The Sunday Telegraph understands that one of Mr Obama's most prominent
>> African American backers, whose endorsement he spent two years
>> cultivating, has told friends that he detects a weakness in Mr Obama's
>> character.
>> "The one real serious flaw I see in Barack Obama is that he thinks he
>> can manage all this," the well-known figure told a Washington
>> official, who spoke to this newspaper. "He's underestimating the flood
>> of things that will hit his desk." A Democratic strategist, who is
>> friends with several senior White House aides, revealed that the
>> president has regularly appeared worn out and drawn during evening
>> work sessions with senior staff in the West Wing and has been forced
>> to make decisions more quickly than he is comfortable.
>> He said that on several occasions the president has had to hurry back
>> from eating dinner with his family in the residence and then tucking
>> his daughters in to bed, to conduct urgent government business.
>> Matters are not helped by the pledge to give up smoking.
>> "People say he looks tired more often than they're used to," the
>> strategist said. "He's still calm, but there have been flashes of
>> irritation when he thinks he's being pushed to make a decision sooner
>> than he wants to make it. He looks like he needs a cigarette."
>> Mr Obama was teased by the New York Times on Thursday in a front page
>> story which claimed to have detected a greater prevalence of grey
>> hairs since he entered the White House.
>> The Democratic strategist stressed that Mr Obama's plight was nothing
>> new. "He knew it was going to be tough; he said as much throughout the
>> campaign. But there's a difference between knowing it is going to be
>> tough and facing the sheer relentless pressure of it all."
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