> > In case you haven't noticed, Obama has been in office for a lot longer than 
> > a few days, and he's still very much alive.
> >
> **********
> "But the link between gray hair and psychological stress is little more than 
> folk wisdom, unsupported by numerous scientific studies. That didn't stop 
> widespread speculation last week, in The New York Times and elsewhere, that 
> the newly noticed salt and pepper above President Obama's temples were the 
> first physical manifestations of some of the highest job pressures on the 
> planet.
> A more likely explanation is that Mr. Obama is starting to turn gray for the 
> same reasons other people do. He's getting older. The age of graying seems to 
> be determined by heredity, The Journal of Investigative Dermatology reported 
> in 2005. Whites tend to gray first, often as early as their mid-30s, followed 
> by Asians and then Africans. About half of 50-year-olds are at least 50 
> percent gray. So it would seem that Mr. Obama, at 47, is a little late to the 
> graying game.
It must be very stressful to be president, in any enviornment;
And extremely stressful, during this time, specifically.
President Obama, is handling himself, fine, although he must feel 'compressed' 
in the WH, as there is so much 'noise' in that place, and with all the pressure 
of being the first African American President.
In viewing his chart, this morning, of transits, I could see he would be going 
through a personal transition anyway, at this time in his life.
I like to 'hold a space' for him, in my prayers, for his complete success, and 
the success of our culture, to lead the world, in new technologies, and 
educational systems, which can benefit all the people in the world.
This is a time of great transition, as we all feel and know it to be.
So, I would say: Send him your good energy, from your deep meditation, and ask 
for him to be guided for the 'Highest Good of All'...

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