On Mar 23, 2009, at 7:30 PM, John M. Knapp, LMSW wrote:


As always you make my arguments so much more eloquently than I.

I agree my major concern is about the civil liberties aspect of teaching TM in public schools -- and the doors that may be opened by "Quiet Time."

Should Muslim kids be allowed to pray 5 times a day in public schools? Maybe. But I would have real troubles with Sufi meditation techniques being taught in public schools in their religious form.


If you missed them, Curtis recently shared some very interesting personal insights into the Christian mystics who (initially) bought into the "Universality of TM" lie. Later, as it became clear what they were not told, they did what their heart's conscience told them. They split, seeing the TM Universality lie, because they grokked the reality of the situation. Those same Christian mystics have gone on to found even more profoundly personal meditation forms.

I do see some universal meditation forms (e.g. InnerKids) which can and are successfully being used, openly and--most of all--freely being shared with school kids, for their benefit and for the future of us all. But TM, with it's cold eye on the buck and a way into our school and healthcare systems needs to revealed for the greedheads they truly are, and the plainly Hindu meditation forms disguised as "for everyone".

Keep up the Great Work man!

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