--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > At any moment I could be out of a 
> > job. Fortunately, because I live frugally and have
> > no debt, I'm a couple of years away from living on
> > the street, not a couple of months, but basically I
> > am in the same position as an auto worker who fears
> > being laid off or anyone else who fears that their
> > source of income will "dry up." 
> > 
> > And does this worry me, does it sometimes erode my
> > self confidence and get me down? Betcher booties, as
> > someone here likes to say. :-)
> Shake off that faint heartedness, oh TurquoiseB! Nistroi 
> Gunjo etc. You an old TM initiate, you especially have a 
> safety net.  A safety net.  Return to the program full-time 
> and you can earn $700 per month, working for the upliftment 
> of all Natural Law and Order.  

While the irony of that, and the ability to 
be a Bad Influence in Fairfield appeals to me,
1) I doubt very seriously whether the TMO would
give me a "dome badge," and 2) I'd much rather
live in a cardboard box under a freeway overpass. :-)
> Return ye ransomed non-meditator. 

I've always been a meditator. Still am. Just not
a "TM meditator." While I understand that many 
see "not a TM meditator" as equivalent to "not
a meditator," and that Nabby probably sees "not
a TM meditator" as equivalent to "a demon that
deserves to be thrown in a hole so that I can
cover him with dirt," not everyone sees things
that way.  :-)

> Takes only getting your meditation checked and the world would 
> statistically be a whole lot better place for you and everyone.  

I reserve the right to disagree with either of
those two statistics. One can do a great deal of
good for the world from a cardboard box.  :-)

> You are being served your return from Exile. Jai Guru Dev. 
> It is beautiful how things work out. We are so happy for you. 
> Jai Guru Dev. The domes here could use a few more disciplined 
> meditators.  

"Disciplined?" Are we talking regular spankings? :-)

> We look with joy on your return to home. We all look to welcome 
> you back, brother. Jai Guru.

No "Dev?"

I guess I only deserve a "Dev" if I come "back to
the fold."  :-)

Doug, I fully understand that you are joking. But
isn't it fascinating that pretty much the same email
could have been written by people we know without
an ounce of irony, either intended or perceived?

It is my opinion that those who have come to believe
that those who do not believe as they do are no longer
"home" don't really have much of a "home" that anyone
would want to come back TO.

Any TMer would be welcome in my cardboard box anytime.
If it's Je-Ru I might watch him carefully to make
sure he doesn't steal me blind, and if it's Nabby
I might watch him to make sure he doesn't try to
cover me with dirt, but they'd both be welcome.

:-)  :-)  :-)

And, just as an example of "support of nature," and
to infuriate those who believe that such support just
*should not happen* to Off The Program predatory scum
such as myself, in the time between my earlier post
and this one, I received word from IBM that my 
contract has, in fact, been renewed. So it looks
as if the cardboard box is NOT in my immediate future,
even though I had a perfect freeway overpass picked 
out for it, one with a view of the sea.

Jai Guru Accounting Department

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