> Jai Guru Dev. The domes here could use a few more disciplined
> meditators.

>> "Disciplined?" Are we talking regular spankings? :-)  

Nay, spiritual discipline as in the old meaning like the old Buddhist or Quaker 
sense.  In, to have the discipline to sit up & do the spiritual practice.  
Discipline.  As in not just sleeping through but being awake to the practice.  
The practicality of working to show up, sitting up to practice & not just to 
sleep.  Doing the spiritual practice.  Somewhat opposed to what has been that 
communal TM lassie-fare thing of `taking it as it comes' lying down to sleep as 

Yes, the Meissner Effect,(ME) always can use a few good meditators to balance 
the world.  Good, as in disciplined meditators, are a lot of what makes a good 
group (ME) meditation.  Is age old. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I'd much rather
> > live in a cardboard box under a freeway overpass. :-)
> >  
> > > Return ye ransomed non-meditator. 
> > 
> > I've always been a meditator. Still am. Just not
> > a "TM meditator." While I understand that many 
> > see "not a TM meditator" as equivalent to "not
> > a meditator," and that Nabby probably sees "not
> > a TM meditator" as equivalent to "a demon that
> > deserves to be thrown in a hole so that I can
> > cover him with dirt," not everyone sees things
> > that way.  :-)
> > 
> Hah, I just knew you are a meditator deep down!  Yes, i always thot you were 
> a meditator.  Could just see it.  Like, man you care way too much about real 
> spirituality to not be one.  
> A meditator, yeah like so many meditators around here & so many in the domes. 
>  And, just as evidently not "one of those" meditators like up there.   
> Obviously Not TM-TB'er.  Evidently not the TM-cult type meditator nor TM 
> Jersey Island crooked, like some up there.  
> Om, oh they have let lots of meditators just like you in to the domes.  Just 
> got to know how to walk.  You could proly easily be a meditator returned in 
> the domes too.  
> Don't count yourself out.  You are a meditator like so many here still.  
> Afterall, once a meditator Â…always a meditator.  Just not necessarily like 
> one of  those meditators like some up there.  Actually, come out of your 
> cardboard box & you'd find yourself right at home in coffee shops here too 
> with the meditating community as it is.  Return the prodigal son.

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