shempmcgurk wrote:
> --- In, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> <steve.sun...@...> wrote:
>> Shempster, glad I may be one of the first to respond here.  First, there are 
>> probably a lot of us who are never more than a hairs breath away from 
>> crying.  Second, just don't give up, even when you feel like it.  Put one 
>> step ahead of the other, and continue to go forward.  Sounds trite, I know, 
>> but if you keep plugging away, things fall into place one way or another.  
>> Other than that, you can't push depression out the door.  You have to 
>> process it in some manner, and then sometimes it may just lift.  Kind of 
>> like when you have a persistent headache, and suddenly it goes away, and 
>> your not even aware that it has gone away until after the fact.
>> Wishing you the best.
>> lurk
> I went to the doctor last week and he prescribed Xanax for me.  But I refuse 
> to even fill the prescription.  I've seen members of my own family get on 
> this sorts of drugs and it fucks them up for a lifetime.
> A friend's mother recommended something called Valerian Root.  I picked up a 
> bottle of Valerian Root Extract pills (60 pills per bottle, 50 mg each) for 
> the ridiculously low price of $5.00 at Sprout's and I must say it is a 
> Godsend.  I've taken it about 4 days now -- a few hours before going to sleep 
> -- and it has really helped me sleep.  As it is I am still only able to sleep 
> about 4 hours a night.
> But at least I lie in bed -- albeit awake -- and I'm sure I'm getting at 
> least some rest that way, for the rest of the time.
> But my despondency is big.  And I have no one to blame but myself for the 
> horrible mess I'm in.  I'm actually considering calling a crisis line (no, 
> not for suicide...I'm not having those thoughts), something I've never before 
> done.
> But it does help talking about it here.
One more thing I forgot to mention, it IS spring the Kapha season.   And 
believe it or not you may need to try some kapha reducing herbs which 
are stimulating to improve your sleep.  Or eat more spicy foods.   A 
rise in kapha can produce depression.  My sister went through a 
"clinical" depression about 15 years ago.  One day I went over to go 
with her and a visiting relative to dinner.  She was in a funk when I 
arrived.  Having introduced ayurveda to her, I went downstairs, grabbed 
a bag of kapha tea and made it for her.  She came out of the funk and 
was her old self for the dinner.

I sometimes have problems sleeping "straight through" until morning.  
Having some kapha tea in the evening allows me to sleep "straight 
through."  It's worth a try and pretty harmless.  Kapha tea can be made 
from 1 part ginger, 1 part cinnamon and a dash of clove.   You can throw 
in some black pepper too especially if circulation isn't that good.

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