--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> In all compassion -- really -- I think 
> that Judy's stance is as old as the "con
> game" and as understandable. It's how the
> "con game" WORKS, and why it's *always*
> worked. 
> The more self-importance the conned person
> has, the more vehemently they resist admit-
> ting that they have been conned. They will
> become "apologists" for the con men, will
> "defend" them the way that people *who
> were conned by Je-Ru* defended him, and
> will go to their graves doing so, because
> their sense of self-importance is stronger
> than their sense of integrity and honesty.
> For such people, it is better to be thought
> a fool than to admit to having been one.
> Judy MUST know how ridiculous her stance 
> in all of this makes her look. But she 
> continues that stance nonetheless. I think
> that my explanation is the only one that
> "fits" her behavior.

That's right, it's the only possible
explanation. Because we know that there
has never been *anybody* who has stuck to
their guns in the face of mockery from
others unless he or she was WRONG and
merely suffering from an exaggerated
sense of his/her own self-importance.

It just never happens. If other people
think the person looks ridiculous for
holding a particular stance, it can ONLY
be because that person's stance is WRONG,
even if it's just a matter of opinion.

And the only *possible* reason a person
doesn't ADMIT to being wrong when others
disagree with him or her is that s/he
doesn't have the integrity to acknowledge
s/he's been conned.

It has never, EVER, in the entire history
of the human race, been the case that a
person whose views were considered
ridiculous by others *has not been WRONG*.

It has never, EVER been the case that those
cheerleading the ridicule were playing a
con game of their own.

Whose opinion on an issue is WRONG, after
all, is determined *by majority vote*, so
there's no room for uncertainty, and
certainly no need to examine arguments in
favor of anything the majority disagrees
with. That would be a waste of time,
because the majority view is correct simply
by virtue of being the majority view.

> Have you EVER known Judy Stein to admit
> to having been WRONG, except to a tiny 
> fact or typo?
> I haven't, either. None of us have.
> Do you think that a person with that level
> of self-importance is going to admit to
> having been WRONG about the very nature
> of the practice she has been doing every
> day for 30+ years?

"I do not admit the possibility that any
point of view can be 'right.'

"What I would acknowledge is that your
point of view is just as valid as mine."

--Barry Wright, less than an hour ago

Barry's logic here is unassailable. It's
not necessary for him or anyone else to
*demonstrate* I've been wrong about 
anything substantial by engaging me in

Merely the fact that I haven't *admitted*
to being wrong means not only that I *must*
have been wrong about whatever it is that
Barry doesn't agree with, but that there's
something wrong with *me*.

Anybody here remember any of Barry's
endless diatribes about how no opinion
is better than any other opinion?

Anybody remember him explaining to Ruth
that not even *science* is to be 
considered authoritative?

Anybody remember his complaints about
TBs claiming that there's something WRONG
with TM critics because they don't agree
with the TBs?

Jeez, talk about a con game!

And most here will happily go along with it,
because it means they don't have to examine
their own views, don't have to worry about
the possibility that there are any valid 
objections to those views.

I mean, goodness gracious, doing so would
mean taking the risk of being *ridiculed*.
And that would be a fate worse than death.

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