--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 

> But here you have a guy who is waaaay into meditation and is
> obviously very sharp, and I don't sense a shred of curiosity 
> about his detailed perspective among the people here who claim
> to be waaaaay into self development?  BIG WTF?

That may be because of a sense some of us have that there is no
sense of curiosity, or interest in learning something new, that lies
behind his posts. It's more a blunt, clumsy instrument at the service
of a dull, predictable and dispiriting agenda. There is such a
thing as the mirror image of a TB. The T!B you might say. 

There is an old joke I once heard from a German friend of mine 
about Helmut Kohl and the relentlessly negative press coverage he 
was attracting at one point in his career:

"One day Kohl was with some reporters by the shore of a large lake.
Frustrated that no matter what he did, the news coverage always had
a negative spin, Kohl says to himself 'I'll show them once and for
all' - and proceeds to walk across the water.

And the headline in the press the next day? -
"German Chancellor Can't Swim"


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