--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
<willy...@...> wrote:
> According to Maharishi, TM is the passing of the cognitive
> attention from one level of consciousnes to another, sutler
> level of consciousness. This passing back and forth between
> the gross and finer levels of consciousness is what makes
> possible the opportunity for transcending.
> First, there is just thought; then become aware of the
> bija-mantra, just like any other thought. In TM, when
> the thought process reaches the finest level of awareness,
> thought drops off and the practitioner is left all by his
> Self.

Oh, yeah!

Well, suukSma-viSayatvaM caalin.gaparyavasaanam
(ca + alin.ga-paryavasaanam )... :D

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