--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard M" <compost...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <babajii_99@> wrote:
> >
> > I don't get it...
> > How could Easter be described as the 'Holiest of Days?'
> > The guy gets crucified, by Rome and the Jewish puppets of Rome.
> > They later change the story to blame the Jews for his death.
> > Then they claim his tortured crucifixion is a holy thing?
> > Seems to me that would be the un-holiest thing I can think of.
> > Let's see if we can come up with some other 'Holy Days'?
> > November 11, 1963; December 8, 1980; April 4, 1968...
> > Religion, what a crazy thing!
> >  
> > R.G.  Madison, WI
> >
> On the other hand -
> Do you believe in the idea of "archetypes"? 
> You have here the symbol of the "innocent lamb", of complete
> purity, exposed to the ultimate in evil and the Negative. And yet,
> as Christians would have it, the apparently defeated, "weak" victim
> comes out triumphant in the end. 
> Perhaps the success of Christianity could be  due to a resonance with
> some such archetype in our collective unconscious? Just trying to 
> understand...
I agree with the whole concept of what you are describing.
I'm just pissed off that the Romans adjusted the religion to fit their 
traditions and isolated and killed the Jewish people who were believers and 
then shifted the religion to be anti-Jewish, and caused untold misery and death 
in the name of this Roman religion.
The forgot that Jesus was a man, and tried to make him into a kind of Caesar, 
like they had in Rome, where Caesar was considered a God.
So, the Romans, with their concept of God as Caesar just replaced the Jesus as 
God thing, in their concept of God.
Jesus calls God the Father, and would not like the Roman symbols rampant in the 
so-called church built in his name.
The Romans are so into blood, that they even incorporated the blood ceremony 
into the Mass.
Strange religion.

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