--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard M" <compost...@...> wrote:
> Thanks for posting this. I had no idea that there was such an
> "anticipation" of the Jesus story in Isaiah.

Not exactly a slam-dunk, though (see below).

> I wonder if this lends support to the idea that Jesus
> and his followers "deliberately" set up some of the New
> Testament events so as to to engineer the fulfilment
> of the prophecies?

Or deliberately altered the specifics of those events
after the fact as the tales of Jesus's life were being
codified into the New Testament canon.

In any case, it should be noted that in Judaism, the
"suffering servant" passages from Isaiah are regarded
as referring to the "righteous remnant" of Israel; and
there's quite a bit of serious scholarship that comes
to this conclusion as well. Even the translations of
some contemporary Christian Bibles acknowledge this
(such as the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), the
New Jerusalem Bible, and The Oxford Study Bible).

For a sample, see:


To start with:

"...Many Christians, particularly evangelical Christian
missionaries, consider the Fourth Servant Song to be one
of the most important Christian messianic prophecies, so-called 'proof texts', 
in the Bible.  The New Testament,
with its many references to 'Isaiah 53', provides for
them a record of the fulfillment of the prophecy of a
suffering and dying Messiah and his eventual return,
triumph, and glory.  Curiously, though, this is all being
believed even though the common reference terms used in
the Hebrew Bible for the promised Messiah, such as David,
son of David, or king, are conspicuously absent from the
text.  Moreover, a suffering and dying Messiah is not
part of the traditional Jewish messianic paradigm, which
describes a Messiah that shows up only once, and one who
will succeed in executing the messianic agenda, as it is
described in the Hebrew Bible, during his reign as king
of a unified Israel."

You might even make the case that Isaiah 53 is a prophesy
of the Holocaust...

We'll almost certainly never know, but it behooves us
to recognize that none of the possible interpretations
is a slam-dunk.

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