And drinking wine is totally Catholic! 

Have you seen the funny hats their leaders wear? And the weird ceremonies?! 
They believe wine to be the blood of God. Not just the name of God -- like 
those crazy mixed up Meditationists, but 10 steps above that in crazy religio 
talk -- they give out wine as the Blood of God. Far more twisted than those 
cheap bastard Meditationsts who just give out measly names of gods. 

So clearly mantras and wine are religious things, they are the name and form of 
God. Thats what the people who give them out say. Ergo meditating and drinking 
are religions.  

(Mind you, like richard and maybe curtis, I think causation is just a 
projection, so I can't be for sure they are really "giving" them "out", just 
that the mantras and wine are found "out"  and the Catholics and the 
Meditationists were found "giving" -- so I project onto it all they are "giving 
out" -- but causality, thats another story) 

So, no more wine in schools! We cannot have these religious acts in publicly 
funded schools - it violates the constitution man! (or so I have been told, I 
haven't actually read the darn thing.)

And those wine bars!! Luring in innocents by getting all gussied up and 
secular. But they are just fronts to lure in the innocents to get them drinking 
wine -- and next thing you know they wake up with a huge funny hat on their 
head. You know, that insidious practice far out eclipes those secular looking 
religious fronts known as meditation centers that those crazy Meditationists 
put up all over the place. 

So ban wine from public schools! Particularly the boxed kind -- thats so 
trailer park! (Not that I can precisely link the "banning" with the "absence" 
of wine in schools. Jesus, I am not even sure there are schools -- that might 
all be my projection too. Maybe Jim knows.)

But one thing I AM sure of: the practice of meditation and of drinking wine in 
the home are absolutely related to and based on the crazy inner worlds of the 
groups that give them out. Crazy religious practices. I mean that's 
fundamental. No projection there! 

And don't get me going on football games. Did you know that the players huddle 
around (so gay!) and pray just before the games. And some  KNEEL! Kneeling man! 
Thats the core of all religious acts. 
They pray and kneel IN schools just before those religious pagents known by 
their secular disguise -- football games. No more religious based football 
games in schools! 

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> From the "Maharishi Channel," thanks to TM-Free:
> This page contains an embedded video of Maharishi
> leading a group performance of the TM puja, sur-
> rounded by the Rajas in full costume. 
> I'm sorry that I can't figure out a way to post 
> a direct link to just the video, but it's embedded
> in such a way that I don't know how to do that.
> For those who see nothing the least bit religious
> about the TM puja or the way that the 'Rajas' dress
> and conduct themselves, this video should reinforce
> those beliefs.
> For those who believe that just maybe what this
> video captures is very much religious indeed, it
> should reinforce *those* beliefs.
> Compare and contrast this videotaped occasion and
> *its* style and presentation with the current 
> "cleaned up" style and presentation of the
> website and the "new face" that the TMO wants to 
> show the public following the recent DLF concert. 
> Whatever your beliefs, ask yourself WHY they want
> to present this "new face."
> Whatever your stance about the "TM is/isn't a 
> religion" issue, ask yourself, "If the TMO was
> proud enough of this occasion to broadcast it on
> its 'Maharishi Channel,' why don't they place this
> or similar videos on the website, so that
> all of the million kids they hope to teach TM to
> can see a preview of the ceremony they will soon
> be participating in?"
> Further ask yourself, "If the TM Rajas dress this
> way normally, why didn't they dress this way at
> the DLF concert?"
> Maybe think about Maharishi's introduction itself,
> "We have the opportunity to do puja to Guru Dev."
> Notice the language: "TO Guru Dev." Compare and
> contrast to some of the descriptions of the puja
> and what it's about that have been presented here
> on Fairfield Life.
> Ponder recent claims that "kneeling is kneeling"
> and that it's not really a "bowing down" to what
> these practitioners of the TM puja do at 09:35 into
> the video. The person who created the puja and in
> this video defines it as a ceremony "TO Guru Dev,"
> and the costumed leaders of the TM movement that
> surround him seem to have a slightly different
> interpretation of what 'namah' means and how to
> demonstrate it than the person who said "kneeling
> is kneeling." Looks a lot like "bowing down" to me.
> Check out the paintings on the walls and the way
> that the room is decorated.
> Check out the scene at 00:35 into the video and
> the guy seated on a raised dias, higher than Maha-
> rishi, and how he is dressed and the offerings and
> adornments laid out at his feet. Dat's Da King,
> the current leader of the TM movement. Nothing 
> religious about him and how *he* is presented and
> treated and his relationship to other people, 
> right?
> Enjoy, in whatever fashion you choose to enjoy it...

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