
Here's a simple solution: contact Rick -- who has integrity up the yinyang -- 
and reveal your true identity to him. Then Rick can report one simple fact: 
that you're not Jim, and then Barry will be a fool if he asserts it again.


I'm okay with not knowing your true status, and I'm okay with you tossing your 
"past" aside -- as if it never happened, cuz unlike Barry, I think it's an 
"okay strategy" to move  to a deeper intimacy here.

Those who would hold your feet to the fire of your past are not cutting you a 
break that virtually all of us have taken as a birthright.  Who hasn't fudged a 
resume? Who doesn't have a bigass list of personal things they'd never reveal 
here with the trolls sniping at anything? Who hasn't spruced up for a 
first-date and never mentioned the "small errors" of one's past?  We all mold 
our image -- why? -- well, herein, I'm willing to say that it's to set folks at 
ease such that we can discuss other issues without previous discussions 
impacting the NOW.  

As I've posted here, I've come to know each mind such that I see their rock 
beneath the bulge in the river's surface.  There's a steady flowing of ideation 
over the beneath-the-surface "core person" that I "feel" when a post arrives. 
The concepts flow, but the person holds steady. 

And, this has changed me.  

Now that I know "everyone at the party," I can spot where I can get a good 
conversation going.  If I held the past against those who have pissed me off, 
I'd only be talking to myself...hell, not even me, cuz I piss me off every day. 
I was sooooo fucking wrong about soooooo many here for the first year I was 
here.  Miss not that though recently I called Turq an odious clod, I'd drive 
quite a few miles to have a beer with him. This wouldn't be possible if I 
decided to always have our past on the table between us.

Yeah, there's those I've vowed to not interact with; the War Monger wrote about 
my sexuality the other day, and for me to respond to it as if I "HAD TO PROTECT 
MY IMAGE HERE," would be ludicrous, because, since I know the minds here, I'm 
projecting that those minds know me well enough also such that the validity of 
anything said about me  will be immediately known for the most part.

So, if you are Jim, it's okay to not be Jim.  Who here wants to be what they 
were even five years  ago?  Your posting here  has necessarily evolved you as I 
have been, and I trust that that process will serve all of us as time passes.

Not that that process is absolute.  The ego of each of us has scraped a deep 
furrow as our line in the sand before us, and filling it back up is a  gritty 
humble pie upon which to dine.  How long this process will take  to get, say, 
Nab to "let his hair down and laugh about all of it in a pub with, say, 
Curtis," may be years more of posting, but, hey, maybe at any second Nab'll 
toggle-snap out of his obsessive sand-line drawing, but, either way, I'm 
willing to wait.  Curtis, I'm certain, would have a beer with Nab right 
now.....Nab?...you? Maybe a soft drink instead would make the meeting more 

As for Barry or Judy dumping their past, hey, I'm not a betting person, but I'd 
put bucks down that Nab'll change before they'll drop their jousting.  If  
either of them toggled, what a fish out of water the other would be to keep 
trying to swim in a river that's suddenly dried up.  If Judy simply stopped 
from her side, she'd rocket upwards in everyone's appraisal of her, right?  It 
would be, like, the biggest thing that ever happened here, right?  The power to 
amaze and model for us is in their hands, we'd all be deeply bowing to whomever 
found the ego strength to stop the war, yet there that "siddhi" sits -- like a 
million bucks being ignored on a table around which folks are complaining about 

Nab, Barry, Judy, Shemp, Off -- keep posting. 

What does FFL look like ten years from now when all of us  are seeing the 
scythe wielder's approach? 

Let's change the name:  from now on this is FairFieldLifeboat.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > correct L.Shaddai-- definitely a group of little boys and 
> > girls with Barry as the ringleader, playing out their school 
> > yard routine, over and over again, including Vaj. 
> > ...
> > isn't there something just plain wrong with that picture??   
> Jim gets a little panicky when the only person
> on the forum who still claims to believe that
> ed11 isn't Jim has posted out for the week, and 
> can't step in to defend him.  :-)
> Me, I'll allow him to rant however he wants. I
> don't quite understand what he *gets* out of
> this pretending-to-be-a-woman thang, but it
> obviously gets him off on some level. Maybe 
> it's one of those guru-bhakti gay things. 
> Whatever. I wish him well with it.
> What I don't quite understand is how in *his*
> mind he resolves posing as a woman on FFL with
> being "enlightened." In *all three* of his
> "incarnations" on FFL -- jim_flanegin, sandiego,
> and enlightened_dawn -- he has claimed to be
> enlightened. And yet in this most recent incar-
> nation as ed11, he has lied by omission (by 
> allowing people to believe he's a woman) and
> by commission (by lying outright about who he
> is and where he lives) many times. HOW does
> he resolve doing that with still claiming to
> be "enlightened?"
> Is it that Jim's view of "enlightenment" is
> that it isn't wrong to lie to people who are
> not as enlightened as he is? 
> He'd certainly be in good company if that's the
> explanation. Maharishi certainly believed that.
> Nabby certainly believes that. Judy believes it
> strongly enough to defend withholding information
> from prospective TM students. 
> So maybe Jim dressing up as a woman (in a cyber 
> kinda way) as ed11 and pretending to be something 
> he's not is just the logical extension of Jim
> dressing up as Jim Flanegin and pretending to
> be something he's not -- enlightened. If one has
> invested years in trying to sell the fantasy that 
> he is enlightened, trying to sell the fantasy
> that he's a she is not all that different.
> Whatever. It's all part of a day's entertainment
> here on Fairfield Life.

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