On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Richard J. Williams <willy...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> guyfawkes wrote:
> Yeah, very strange that the Europeans are among
> the most racist groups of people on the planet,
> but it's not surprising, since we've known this
> since before WW II.
> "A poll commissioned by the ADL shows that 33%
> of Europeans blame the Jews for the financial
> meltdown. A mind-boggling 74% Spaniards think
> so."

And the Europeans have a reason to be racist against the Jews.  When
the massive voyages for trade began after Columbus "discovered"
America, there was the need for lots of capital, i.e. banks.  Now the
Christians decided that loaning money and collecting interest on it
was not biblical, so the Jews were given/ordered to do the job.  The
Jews did well in their new role as money lenders.  A lot of resentment
was generated amongst the Christians and hence the numerous epic poems
putting Jews in a bad light and the Shakespearean play where a pound
of flesh was involved.

Fast forward to Poland where the king of Poland realized that he
wasn't turning the profit he wanted on his kingdom, so he divided it
up and put Jews in charge of the pieces.  These Jews had the power of
life and death over his subjects and of course their charge was to
turn a handsome profit over to the king.  They had to, of course,
prosper as well.   So of course the Europeans associated Jews with
finance and further, as greedy bastards with no morals.  True or not,
that's the way they were portrayed and old memories die hard.

If certain asshats on FFL want to sling the judgement "racist' at me,
I'll say ahead of time, kiss my ass.

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