> Just the intention to shift the energy.
> In a tiniest quantum way, the wind blows, the clouds form, the lightning 
> comes, and the disturbing influences are cleared...

You've been listening to too much John Hagelin who has a similar effect on 
people's thought processes to ingesting too much LSD. Just by saying the word 
"quantum" everyone's critical abilities are zapped and they start experiencing 
wild cognitive hallucinations. Any nonsense idea can be made to appear 
plausible just by using the word "quantum" somewhere in the "explanation". At 
least with LSD it wears off in a few hours.

Your statement expresses completely incorrect thinking and it doesn't become 
correct by being dressed up in quasi-sciency sounding words. 

What's the mechanism? Can each step in the mechanism be demonstrated?
How exactly does "in the tiniest quantum way" alter the weather? Can anyone 
demonstrate any ability to alter quantum probabilities by power of thought? If 
the probabilities are altered then how much effect can that have on billions of 
tons of air and water moving about?
None of these things are explained, it's just feelgood happy mush suitable for 
the cognitively challenged.

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