Lurk: I believe this is what is called baiting.  And a little cheap IMO.
> >
>Sal: But fun nonetheless. :)
> Alright, lurk, here's a true experience of mine,
> just to show (at least IMO) what brainwashed groupies
> were in the TMO even years back (of which I consider
> myself to have been one, BTW, although thankfully
> not so far gone as I might have been):  I was asked by someone who
> didn't have enough$$ to go on a course if I would help sponsor
> her, along with a few others.  I was applying to the same course,
> so I said sure.
> Come to find out a week or two later, she then "reported" me,
> after getting the $$, for some minor OTP (gasp!) infringement,
> can't remember now what it even was.
> We both got on the course, BTW, but as geeze put it so well,
> it was just another dent in the armor that many of us wore in
> order to maintain the fiction that we were actually dealing
> with normal, well-intentioned people.  We weren't.

I understand.  I got rejected from a course (or going to Zambia back in 77?) 
based on a very subjective termination by Reed Martin.  I was in Livingson 
Manor at the time, and when it happened, a voice inside me said "go home", "go 
home". That may have been when the bonds to TMO started to weaken some.  

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