> > I didn't see your name on the list of
> > TMO Teachers the last time I was in
> > Fairfield. 
> >
boo wrote:
> Very curious about this list of tmo 
> teachers that you imagine yourself 
> seeing in ffld willy.  
I didn't see your name on the list when I 
last visited the Fairfield TM Center. They 
said they never heard of a "boo_lives". 

Are you some kind of an impostor or just 
a plain old informant? Just askin'.

> please tell us more about it. 
Why are so curious about the list? Do you
plan on trying to get back on it? Or, are
you wanting to get your name OFF the 
'black list'? Do you think I can help you
get on the list?

I haven't seen any evidence that you're
a TM Teacher or that you ever even tried 
TM. Are you still living in that trailer
house in Fairfield?

Can you post here a picture of yourself 
with the Marshy? Or, even a photo of 
yourself inside the Patanjali Dome? Or 
even a photo of yourself outside the 
Patanjali Dome?

Do you have a dome badge you could post or 
even a receipt showing you paid for your 
own initiation?  

> where is it located and who showed it 
> to you? when? 
So, you don't know about the list or where
it's kept. I thought so. 

> in fact i dare you to make one factual 
> statement about how the capital operates 
> there.
You haven't been inside a Marshy Golden 
Dome of Pure Knowledge in years?

> wondering why you need to make stuff up 
> about which you obviously know nothing 
> about
Well, I know more about TM than you do,
that's pretty obvious, isn't it? I mean,
have you ever posted anything here that
could be interpreted as knowledgeable? I
may have missed it, but I don't think so.

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