Billy wrote:
> > I don't think MMY ever gave a wit about 
> > money, personally, hence he would not 
> > qualify under your you and 
> > I, well, that's another matter isn't it.
> >
gezzerfreak wrote:
> Did you ever work personally with him Billy?
Apparently Billy worked very closely with both 
the Marshy and Charles F. Lutes. William P. 
Murphy (Billy) is on the list of TM teachers 
in good standing. 

But please note that the "geezerfreak" is not 
on the list and apparently never even heard 
of a TMO list, not even a TMO mailing list. 
Go figure. I guess the geezer has been out of
the loop for about thirty years.

>From what I've read, the "geezer" is an 
informant working for the C.I.A. Do not trust 
this guy, Billy, he has no information of value 
to offer - he is a known impostor; a troll
and is not allowed inside the Patanjali Golden
Dome of Pure Knowledge. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the "geezer" has 
been banned from setting foot on the MUM 
campus - his name is mud all over Fairfield.
>From what I've heard, the "geezer' IS on the
TMO black list. 

He's certainly on my list - right up there
with Lon P. Stacks and Tom Pall, nut-cases 
and fruitcakes to avoid. 

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