> Sorry, the divorce is final...the money is gone...but it's not about money...
> Don't ya git it.
> It's not about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
> It's about creating an atomosphere of love, or whatever you want to call it...
> People have the money.
> It's not about the money.
> Repeat after me: 'It's not about the money!'
> R.g.

It's that atmosphere of good feeling which used to be there in the early days 
that has gone missing. The money is kind of irrelevant. In accounting terms 
goodwill is part of the capital of a business. You take the value of the 
business as a going concern, and the value of the tangible assets and the 
difference is the value of the intangible assets. In the late 60s and early 70s 
the balance sheet of the TMO would have shown a massive element of goodwill, 
now it would show an even bigger element of negative goodwill. The value of the 
tangible assets of the movement dwarf the value of the business as a going 
concern, the difference being negative goodwill. In effect all that loving 
feeling from the early days has been run down and converted into cash and land 
leaving little in the way of good feeling.  The atmosphere of good feeling, 
i.e. goodwill towards the TMO and its objectives has been run down and 
converted into cash and stashed away in land deeds and bank vaults. You can't 
create an atmosphere of love if people are constantly being hit on for cash and 
if anyone who dissents is banned for life.

The TMO has dug itself into a deep hole, it has to stop digging. An important 
step would be to stop hitting on people for cash all the time. The donations 
are a kind of fantasy goodwill that take the place of genuine goodwill. If the 
donations were to dry up then the TMO would have to start behaving more 
responsibly towards people. 

The only use of hunting down the money is to shine a light on hidden things so 
that people can know what the real story is. If the people at the top are 
intent on keeping the real story hidden that should be an incentive to find it 

Access to the truth can only help get people out of their delusional thinking 
and rebuilding goodwill can't happen unless delusional thinking is abandoned. 
It is the belief that physical assets in the form of land and money can keep 
the TMO alive which allows people at the top to trample on people at the bottom 
because they believe that goodwill is not important. 

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