TurquoiseB wrote:
> This discussion has been a valuable one IMO because
> it has touched on what the *real* reason is for the
> lack of interest in TM. It's not "the times." It's
> not Kali Yuga. It's not "not having enough pundits
> yet." IT'S THE TM'ers, STUPID!
The "marshybots" as I have labeled them?  The ones that can't explain 
enlightenment in their own words and have to parrot phrases?   It is 
probably the result of practicing a technique with no Omkara as Om 
centers.  And it is also the result of teaching some techniques known to 
stimulate rather than calm.  Most yogic meditations for the public are 
for calming not stimulation.  I think Rick was right when he postulated 
that MMY changed from more traditional techniques to the current system 
to be "unique." Otherwise Indians would have laughed at him charging for 
mantras as there would be plenty of yogis who would teach that for free 
or a small donation.
> Just LOOK at the people that the TMO "trots out" to
> represent "200% of life." Anyone looking at them is
> going to see closer to "10%," if that. Most are going
> to react as Stephen Fry did, and with reason. 
> Let's face it -- most of us started TM because we ran
> into a TM teacher who had some phwam!, some energy.
> Whether it was Jerry Jarvis or Paul Horn or one of
> the TM "golden boys" or just your run-of-the-mill
> initiator still excited about TM and *showing* that
> excitement, that is what people in the audiences at
> intro lectures saw. And they WANTED SOME OF IT.
Well not everyone came to TM because of that.  I didn't because I had 
read of other traditions and TM was a more accessible system where you 
didn't go on some wild weekend "intensive" nor dance around on the 
street in pajamas.  The "honky Hindu" thing came along with the Sidhis.
> Who would actually WANT any of what is radiated by
> the representatives of the TM movement today? 
Makes one wonder if TM really was a failed attempt by the Freemasons to 
create a new religion? :-D
> I mean, let's face it...the best they can come up
> with is David Fucking Lynch. That's sad.
I like David's films but he is pretty naive about Indian philosophy.  
Now that is sad.

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