--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> 

> Fun is the perception of infinity flowing through
> the finite. It is a natural consequence of the
> practice of mindfulness, and develops as you
> begin to pay attention to the flow of thoughts
> and emotions that run through your mind and your
> body during the day. Having fun is, for me, one
> of the key indicators that I am doing something
> right.
> Fun is a state of mind. It is nothing more, nor
> less, than the amount of attention you can bring
> to the normal, everyday events in your normal,
> everyday life. The more attention — the more
> consciousness and light and style and heart —
> you bring to the events in your life, the more
> fun you can have with them.

Some people are naturally "fun" to be with. Others, well .. less so.
It seems to be contaigous if and when, another or set of others, let go of 
boundaries and for example, reinterpret things around them -- out side the 
conventional. Casual and quick satire, sarchasm, double ententres, word plays, 
imitations, false emphasis ("now THAT was an important point"), exaggeration, 
metaphors, new associations and connections of things, ideas and words, 
self-effacement ... all bring new light to common circumstances. Some silly, 
some profound, most mind (and heart) stretching to a degree. That may even be a 
"physical" manifestation / defining characteristic of fun - the mind and or 
heart get stretched, or bent, contorted, in new ways.

Unfun people (or moods) are judgemental, derisive, condescending, ego-ladden, 
tight, frowning, irritable, inflexible, and dry. (And that's me on a good 

And fun is and all its attributes are nourished and thrive upon, by  being "in 
the moment", spontaneous, "brain-storming", linking disparate (and desparate 
perhaps) things. That's one reason being with kids and with pets can be so fun 
and recharging. Its all in the moment. Your dog doesn't respond much to 
ponderings about the past or wish-fulfilling thoughts about the future. Its all 
right here, right now  -- and can range from goofy, fun, exploratory, riveting 
and playful. Similar with kids.  At certain ages, everything is exploratory, 
"why/, why? why? ...", "look at THIS!" -- with incessant energy. And they GET 
odd connections -- at least as being something odd, new, strange, funny and 
worthy of consideration. Nothing is boring. Its all fresh ground (That's prolly 
why we don't have many 6 year old posters -- its all the same old stuff on 
FFL). No boundaries, imagination is rampant and on fire. Kids know how to play. 
Adults -- "they forgot"  -- from a kids POV. 

And a similar trait is in those whom are infused with IT. For real -- not some 
ideal of that. Full engaged, in the moment, making quirky observations, 
laughing with others as they contaigously are drawn into the laughter.  
Interested about anything and everything. Infusing the mundane with the flow of 
infinity. No boundaries.

Good sex is fun for similar reasons (which may be redundant, as a friend says 
"even when its bad, the sex is great".) 


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