> > Yes, I supported all the U.S. wars of liberation
> > to free the people and destroy the terrorists.
> >
off_world_beings wrote:
> You're such a total idiot Texan... 
Ad hominem is the second to last resort of someone 
who is losing a debate and is unable to respond with 
legitimacy. The last resort (most difficult for the 
ego) is to consider that he might be wrong.

"President Obama said the leaders of all three 
countries have a mutual goal -- to defeat extremists 
and terrorists..."

Full story:

'Obama: Afghanistan, Pakistan Committed to Fighting 
By Kent Klein
Voice of America, May 6, 2009

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton convened 
a three-way meeting with the leaders of Pakistan 
and Afghanistan Wednesday, saying they face a common 
threat, task and challenge posed by Islamic extremism..."

Full story:

'Clinton: US, Pakistan, Afghanistan Face 'Common
Threat' of Extremism'
By David Gollust
Voice of America, May 6, 2009

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